Friday, April 13, 2012


It's ridiculous how stressed these past few days due to studying for exams. I know that I have no one to blame but myself..since I seriously procrastinate way too much. I just finished an exam worth 55% of the course just a few hours ago, and surprisingly I think I did really good on it. I have no clue how I managed to cram half a semester's worth of information in just a few days, but thankfully, it worked out in the end. Out of my four final exams, this was one of the exams I was extremely worried about. If I failed the exam, then I basically failed the course. Another exam which I'm worried about is calculus. If I fail that exam as well, then I fail the course. Honestly, I don't even care what mark I get in calculus, I just want to pass it & never do anything related to math ever again. Ever. 

For the rest of my exams I think my stress levels will remain at a low-moderate level because there's no risk of failing the course. Sure, I want to get a good mark in those courses as well...but if I allow myself to stress about those exams too, then arghh I think I will go insane. 

On a brighter note, I received my gmarket package yesterday. I was suppose to receive it a day before but I didn't hear the mailman so instead he left a notice. Surprisingly, I'm actually really happy about the items I received. Considering it was my first time ordering from gmarket, I was a bit nervous about the sizing and quality of the items. Another thing I'm happy about is that I didn't get charged customs. I'll probably post pictures of the things I ordered later on this week...just for myself, and anyone who might happen to stumble upon this blog interested in a gmarket haul haha. 

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